Mar 20, 2023Liked by Kim Druker Stockwell

I loved this one! Being in my thirties and unmarried (and maybe a little baby hungry), I REALLLLLLLLLY related to that section.

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Thank you, Kathleen. I found the late 20s and 30s hard! But things do have a way of working out. Sometimes it’s about expectations. There is no guy or gal on the white horse. There might be someone great on a donkey and you don’t know any to miss them

! Thank you so much for posting!!

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There is a big article on “middle adulthood” today in the NYTimes. It’s focusing on Millennials but there are some interesting thoughts about so called middle age, how it was perceived in the boomer generation and the differences now.

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Wow! What an amazing ride you've had so far. I love your can-do-itivness (spirit)! What are you working on now? Thank you for writing and sharing. This is what I want the WSG to be. Me provoking you to share and inspiring everyone.

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I had my kids stupid early in a really bad marriage so my 20's were bizarre and traumatic and so I don't remember much about them. (Or my kids' early lives, which is really sad.) BUT, by my 30's I was getting my feet under me and my awesome kids were growing up with me and we had a blast. The 40's were sad because the kids were growing up and moving away and I hit perimenopause early, and got fat and kinda sick.... but then I hit fifty and bawled my eyes out for a solid 24 hours, and now, at 56, heck yeah! Found that invisibility cape, got on the good HRT, still rock the yoga pants, have a wonderful husband, poly partners, and best friends who've been with me through it all. Got my grad degrees, and am in the process of finding my new career path. OK, that part is terrifying and sometimes disappointing. (Really? You hired the 23 year old with a BA and EXTENSIVE experience in what, exactly? Oh, being pushed around by the board, oh yeah. Nevermind.) Technology is incredible and fun and CAT VIDEOS, and even better- GRAND KIDS!! Love this post, Kim- and THANK YOU for asking!

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Loved this blog from start to finish! Cloak and cat videos! I can relate.Thanks Kim for all your hard work in putting these insightful and poignant writings forth to all of us. It’s a supportive and wonderful female club to be a part : )

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Thank you, Rachel! This is the best part of doing WSG, meeting people like you. Thank you for taking the time to reach out!

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