Reading this emotional piece really captures what a special person Andrew was and how meaningful he was to you and your family. Thank you for sharing this with all of us, it helps to put some understanding behind the emotions we are feeling about this very sad loss. Much love to you and Pel.

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Thank you, Kate. xoxo

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So young; I’m truly in shock. My heart goes out ❤️

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Kim- this is a beautiful piece that of writing and much more, helped me articulate a lot of the feelings I haven’t been able to feel. This piece also made me think about how we start to “process” the loss of such an incredible person. I learned a lot about Andrew this week from people’s sharing. What I already knew about Andrew was that he always stopped to chat, he was kind and SUCH a gentleman (never let me struggle with a package, held doors, looked GREAT in black tie!), I really liked the sound of his voice, he loved travel and sharing a great red wine, he was the perfect partner for Carolyn, loved C and his girls like crazy and Oliver the Corgi was his sidekick. I did not know he loved to bake- and so much more. This is unthinkable, but I’m going to honor Andrew and Carolyn and his girls by slowing down and taking time to chat w people- that meant a lot to me and maybe I can make someone feel as valued as I felt with Andrew. I’m going to try to make more plans with the people I love. I’m sorry for our loss and I’m sorry for Pel and your family’s loss and most of all I’m heartbroken over Carolyn and the girls’ loss. I am grateful for my neighborhood community in Beacon Hill and I know we will honor Andrew in many ways.

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wonderful, Annie. Well said. xoxo k

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Thank you for this beautiful tribute Kim. It is genuine and full of love, just like Andrew. ❌⭕️

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Thank you, Amy. xoxo

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