I saw the quote in my title in Margie Zable Fisher’s questionnaire with
this week in The Empress and I knew I had to pinch it..with credit due, of course.“The rest of our lives can be the best of our lives.”
I haven’t read Margie’s book, The Cabernet Club, but I will. Check out the link to the post below to learn more about her and her book and The Empress!
Back to the quote…I guess you might also say, with the right attitude and health, things can be pretty darn great post 50, if you play your cards right. Or, as my grandmother used to say, better than the alternative. In this case, of not having any more life to live.
If you play your cards right post 50 can be the best years, lived with intention and control not available to us in our 20s, 30s and 40s
Many of us midlife, post-50 female Substackers talk about what life is like now. I learn a lot from the many writers I follow here. I am grateful for the community. I am not a fan of the negative. It’s lazy and de-motivating so who needs that? I hear the anger, meaning, I understand it, like “F-ck Menopause!” etc…but, I don’t agree. I don’t see what anger gets you. Might I suggest a helping of an SSRI, perhaps? Takes the edge off the menopausal anger issue and makes life generally more enjoyable, as well as making you easier to be around. Just saying.
I am not a fan of the whole menopausal “now I’m invisible” thing, either. Even though I have actually said that and talked about it. But, I saw being invisible as a positive, not a negative. I agree, people were a lot quicker to help a fertile girl than a bespectacled crone. It’s true. The positive being: I can focus on so much more, not being in the fertility business than when I was in it. I also do not think we have to become invisible, but that’s something I talked about last week.
Do you actually miss the weird cat and mouse, men hunt women thing? I don’t. The old days when passing a construction site was an obstacle course in safety, self respect and thrill? I’m good. I had a good run as a young female and now I am having a great run as a midlife maven.
My family, my friendships, my hobbies, are better now than twenty years ago, I think. I love having young 20s kids, too.
What about you? Am I being too rosy? lemme know if the comments…
Thanks, so much for the shoutout Kim :) Agree 100% about things being pretty darn great post-50! And, I think Margie's whole tribute to her mom with The Cabernet Club and her outlook are so refreshing. ❤️