I am working on a bunch of new interviews! Including Cheryl Richards the photographer, Meghan Daum the journalist, podcaster and blogger of The Unspeakable, and Cynthia Sterling from beyond50skin! You all are going to love these ladies!!! I sure do.
I plan to find a few experts on menopause and separately, sex after menopause. If you know someone I should interview, please leave a comment by clicking the button below that says “leave a comment.”
To entertain you this week…
Below are a few fan favorite editions from WSG in 2023. Rereading these, I do crack myself up sometimes…I think you’ll enjoy them!
AND if you like all this, why not share with a friend? It may make them happy!
Missing my estrogen WSG 58.5 A fun and short piece about missing my estrogen and what happens when I feel like a stalled car. Also, I link to a bunch of inspiring interviews to give you some motivation, for what I don’t know. Cheers!
I think the 50s are where it's at WSG 60 A walk down memory lane…reminds us why now is probably better than then. A review of 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. And a reflection on thinking.
What was I doing? WSG 63 a bit about Menopause with some good article links and light humor. Enjoy!
A couple of rants about nothing, really WSG 68 In this edition I rant about kids not working in offices, outside of the home and thinking fondly of when I did in my youth in my little Ann Taylor suit. Rant #2 SCE (Summer Crapping Extreme) is a plague that affects parents in the years when their offspring have to bring Every. Single. Thing. They ever schlepped to school, or their first apartment home with them and into your dining room.
We took a little break from New England and brought the clouds with us so we wouldn’t miss them!
Drop me a line and lemme know how you are!