My 3rd New Years’ post for you.
If we’re talking in years, I’d be a junior in college now! Or, I’d have a three year old! Or, if I were a quarter I’d be 75 cents! Or, maybe I’d be right where you left me three years ago. It’s been up to me. To do or not to do. That is my decision. And it’s yours, as well.
The thing is to start whatever it is you wish you were doing and before you know it you’ve been doing it for a while.
The thing is to start whatever it is you wish you were doing and before you know it you’ve been doing it for a while. Whether it’s getting up earlier, not drinking, exercising, seeing a therapist, applying for a job, there is a first time. A first day. A first week, a first month. A first. There never has to be a last because, guess what? You are in control of you and if you stop doing whatever it is you are wishing you were doing, you can start again! Cool, huh?
I haven’t done yoga in a month and I feel like dog doo. And, as mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been eating and drinking way over my limit. So, I’m also feeling fat. And. That’s.OK! It’s not a permanent affliction. It’s totally changeable to start exercising and stop eating a pound of sugar and butter a day. In my control. I can and will start yoga and running. There. I’ve said it and now I just need to follow through. I do this every year, so I know I will.
Want to know my goals for the WSG newsletter?
No? Well, too bad. Here they are….
I have noticed there have been less interviews this year than last year. I want to have a few more in ‘23 than I did in ‘22. Any suggestions are welcome for interview prospects. I will contact most anyone.
Pel’s Books. My husband Pel, reads numerous books a week, mostly fiction. I figure I can use this to my advantage! They tend to be from the Booker Prizes (link) finalist list or the occasional NYTimes list or WSJ. Wicked.
Advice Column. Several people have suggested I do a “Dear Abby” type column. But, I’m thinking it may be fun to make up pretend situations for me to react to as this All Knowing character whose name I’ll come up with soon. We shall see.
Grammar Alert! The occasional pitch for better grammar. For instance, can we all slap our offspring when they say “Me and her went to the store.”? Please? My Grandmother was a grammar teacher in the late 50s early 60s. So, I have some grammar ground into my very soul.
Podcast! Yes! I think it’s time to at least read each post as an option to reading it. I know you people are walking, driving, working etc. You need hands, feet and eyes free to handle who knows what! But, your ears can be mine. You can check out the visuals and links at your leisure.
That’s my WSG plan. Please share this good time with friends, enemies, and mothers in law. College roomates? In fact, a lot of men read this rag, too. Sign your husband up!
Do you know any women who are trying to navigate that “Now what?!” phase of life with positivity and humor? Or maybe you just want to drop a hint for something on this list? Share this post with a friend!
A RECIPE YOU WON’T HATE: Fondue! It’s Twister with food!
A last hurrah before we go austere for the New Year. What’ll it be, cheese fondue or chocolate? Me? I like both but let’s focus on cheese fondue. It’s fun, can be very easy, and is a “gas” as they used to say.
Fondue is the key-party of foods. If you drop a piece of bread into the cheese you are supposed to kiss the person next to you, or something. Racy! Judging by the Swiss population, they are really good at keeping their bread on the fork.
The easiest method for making fondue is to buy the pre-made at the grocery store. It looks like this (see below) and isn’t bad at all. I’ve had it and honestly, wouldn’t go through the from scratch version after trying the store bought. But, by all means, have at it if you have the motivation. It’s not tough to make.
Then grab yourself a baguette. If your grocery store sells fondue mix it is sure to sell baguettes! Slice it into 1” x 1” ( or 2.54 centimeters if we are being authentic) cubes and put them in a bowl. If you do not have your very own fondue set (see below), I am sure Amazon has one. This one on Etsy is pretty fab: link. And here is a proper Fondue recipe Link.
Is it me or did people used to put in more of an effort pre-90s?
Serve with a dry white wine, Champagne or dry sparkling wine. Yum! Perfect for New Years’ Eve!
Question of the Week!
Do you share your resolutions or keep them to yourself? Do you write them down? How many do you write down?
We write ours on index cards every year and put them in a little box. I usually do about 3-5 and they aren’t totally secret because they are sitting in the box with everyone else’s. Worth remembering in case you have a deeply private resolution that you do not want your kids to hear about.
Please leave a comment or email me!
That’s all for 2022.
Can you imagine? Wasn’t it just 2019? Can we get a pass on the intervening years and have a do-over? I mean, at my age each year is like a dog year, visually. Shit. Oh well. That will make us work that much harder to get something done in 2023. Right?
With appreciation and fondness,