Happy Mother’s Day from command central here in Boston. We have a glorious day! Sunny, chirping, blossoming.
Whether you are a big believer in celebrating Mother’s Day, or think it a Hallmark holiday, it’s a day that can be full of joy! But, it’s true, there can be dashed expectations. I was just standing in the shower and thinking about mother’s day as a mom of older teenagers versus young kids. With younger kids they are programmed to celebrate the day. They make things at school for us in pottery, or cards. They might carefully put together a tray of cereal, maybe a scrambled egg, toast, a card, a flower in a cup, the newspaper. They prepare what they have seen somewhere of what a grateful gesture towards their mother looks like. A gesture that will make her happy. Which makes them happy!
Fast forward, they get into upper high school. They make the same gesture of the tray, or card, but without the school being involved (that is for sure), but, they know it means something to us, so they don’t want to let us down. It has a different vibe. Then comes college. I am new to this part. They might not be at home, or, to repeat the same gestures from when they were little seems counter productive to their current job of pulling away and growing up. Right? Different vibe.
I think I may be learning, because I feel now having older kids means you can’t have expectations about gestures of intimacy. It’s a set up. Don’t do it. Don’t let the Halmark part guide your expectations of what it is you think they should be doing. I got end of the day croissants from one of my kids who’s working at a bakery and told me that she didn’t bring home all that she could because she knew I would eat it all and then feel sick. She told me she was saving me from myself. That’s a gift. The gift of not feeling nauseas. I’ll take it. Then another kid came in and curled up in my lap. A big kid letting me pet her head and snuggle and talk for like ten minutes. Wrap it up! I love it. Happy Mother’s Day to my mom, and step mom. I love you both very much. Yet another different vibe.
Beautiful and heart-warming...thank you. Happy Mother's Day
I love this picture!! What a wonderful Sunday morning Mothers Day vibe!