NEW: The following is my bi weekly repeat…but, it is the Fourth of July weekend so I might as well say, “Happy 4th of July!” and not pretend it isn’t happening. Tell me your thoughts and comment…you’re a fun group! Maybe you’ll make a new friend by posting a comment and someone finds it relatable and reaches out. Or, maybe not.
The 4th. The pets were cared shitless off our bed last night when some teenagers lit off fireworks at 2 AM. Those little scamps! I do like fire works, the ones that are done by the City of Boston, or even the tiny towns all over the country. But this idea that every turkey with a credit card is allowed the privilege to blow up fireworks, after a few cocktails, seems really dumb. I am a grump about safety.
I have one 4th memory when the kids were about 5 and 3 and we went to this gorgeous house in New Hampshire for a big family hoo haa. It was fun! I still loved wine then, red. And the kids were so cute and easy. We were in this big dry field looking out over the Presidential Mountains, red, white and blue napkins, hot dogs and hamburgers, everyone looking healthy and dressed up. It was America on the 4th. The sun went down and the Dads revved up. Time for some fireworks! Uh oh, I thought, wait, you’re all plastered and we have tons of little kids here. Is this really such a great idea? It really wasn’t.
I am a worry wart in a lot of ways. I am game to do stuff, but when my safety or my familie’s is in someone else’s hands, it worries me. The next moments were about as text book “How not to set off fireworks” as it gets: dry field, uneven surface, alcohol. And lo and behold, the party host Dads (and it was and always seems to be Dads) fired off these serious explosives while they were still holding down the cannon part with their hands, let go and it tipped over and started firing at all of us at ground level. I grabbed the kids and hid behind a large rock with the other moms and kids. The Dads stamped out the fires and that was that. It left me not loving home made 4th of July.
But, there is this parade on Vinal Haven, Maine that is full of home made floats and American Spirit that is second to none. Here are a few photos.
Happy Fourth of July!!
I have very little prepared
It isn’t because I don’t care. I do. I care very much, but I’m on vacation and it’s hard to focus on interview notes and follow up questions when you’re cruising around with your family. Right? The great thing about being away with your family is…..(I could say so many things here), is that the news is forgotten.
Clearly, the country Has Lost its Fucking Mind while I’ve been gone. But for the young out there, history has a way of repeating itself. Sadly for all of us it’s a slow cycle because the Supreme Court justices hang around for a long time. And RBG didn’t leave. And the deck is stacked for quite a while. I honestly don’t know what to say other than, support Planned Parenthood. Donate here: Link. They distribute birth control, test both men and women for STDs and generally help our poorest people with excellent medical care for free if needed and for cheap as always. That’s where your dollars matter. Not sure what to tell you to do about the carrying guns in public and Miranda Rights stuff. I promise, I wont leave the country again.
I have that new (2000) rap by super star (52 year old documentary film maker from England) Louis Theroux: “Jiggle Jiggle” in my head. That is a genius piece of work.
My money don’t jiggle jiggle. It folds.
I’d like to see you wiggle wiggle, fo’ sho’.
Isn’t that fun? I don’t know if I’d have caught this crazy wave in the States. So much sophistication over here. Hard to keep up. Link to the rap
For anyone who enjoyed my Greek Trip Travel Logs Link, Link, This ain’t that. I am not by myself, to flit and float to this place and that. I am a party of Six. No floating. No flitting. But, there are still a couple of observations I can share, being “abroad” and all. For instance, walking around I saw several stores that only sell gloves, pretty much. I hope gloves come back. I like them!
Another thing. Starbucks has started serving soup! Just kidding! But don’t they look like they might? They and and most places do not use plastic nearly at all now. Take a look at this luddite cup they serve both hot and cold drinks in! No plastic!
I saw this chair a few places and I have to say, it makes me want to toss my cookies. Doesn’t it look like a worst case scenario?
I love the Tuilleries. I sat down and then this “December May” couple appeared and started making out. Maybe it was more a December 1950 and May 1990 thing. It wasn’t close. Good for them. Yes, I had to take a photo. From far away.
I want you to know that the following is a tasty tip. That means it’s subjective. When in Paris, I need to stop at Angelina’s on Rue de Rivoli for this hunk o’ love: Mont Blanc. My Dad introduced me to it in 1979 and I had one a few days ago with him again. It’s “formidable!”
I must not describe it well because when I was in line to buy one (two) at the cafe to take back to my room (and eat both), a woman asked me what that lump was sitting on the pastry shelf. I said “You mean the one that looks like ground beef?” “Yes.” She said with a queasy look on her face at the thought of ground beef as pastry. “Well,” I said, “I know it looks like ground beef but it’s actually sweet! But not too sweet. It’s ground up chestnut paste and then whipped cream and at the bottom, meringue. So, it’s not for someone looking for chocolate! And it has some different textures to it, but I like it a lot.” When the sales lady asked her what she wanted she chose anything but the Mont Blanc. But, I stand by my description.
I have some really great interviews nearly in the can for you great great people. But for now I gotta turn the light out so the rest of the family can go to sleep. Good night John Boy!