Today I uncorked my Nest Holiday diffuser and let loose the smell of the Holidays. Is it early? A bit. I usually wait until after Thanksgiving to break out the Holiday candles. They smell of pine and warmth and smoke which isn’t really declarative of a holiday is it? And no one is checking when we light the candles in our home. No Candle Police out there (excuse me Ma’am. We got a call that the scent of cinnamon and pine was wafting from your home. Mind if we come take a look?) It is early for Holiday decor beyond the corn-on-the-door, pumpkins and mums type thing. BUT! If you listen to the radio or read much news these days there is a scroogie shortage of all the things we want to buy for our loved ones! We will be left with nothing to offer but our souls, which we will gladly trade for whatever it is we cannot find. So, let’s get on the Holidays early this year!
PS Don’t miss the rant at the very bottom of this edition.
I wonder if the media all meet behind our backs, right wing, left wing and centrists, conspiring together on how to totally screw with us next. In a film noire-like setting with shafts of light from slatted blinds knifing into a shabby office, I imagine the conversation goes like this :
Collective Media person 1: “Hee hee I have a good one: let’s tell them we are going to run out of key ingredients for their Thanksgiving...and not tell them exactly what might run out!
Collective Media person 2: “Yeah! And they’ll all run and buy tons of stuff that they won’t ever eat during the year like cranberry jelly, or gravy….or whole turkeys!”
Collective Media person 3: “That’s a good one! Or what if we do the ol’ “there’s gonna be a Christmas tree shortage this year, people! Hurry! Run!” I always like that one.”
Collective Media Person 4: “Hey, Don’t forget to remind them that the earth is melting! Gotta keep that dog whistle fear and anger constant! But, I wish people still worried about the Russians and nukes. We got soooo much mileage out of that one.”
Collective Media person 1: “ Yeah! No one slept for years and they all dug holes in their yard and told kids to hide under their desks….I mean...desks! Really?! Miss those Cold War days. Ok Ok...let’s work with what we got.”
Collective Media person 3: “Right. We got a “consumer” economy and what do they do? Consume! Let’s tell them everything they and their kids want is floating in the ocean and they can’t have it til way after the Holidays. AND…..let’s freak them out about the cost of fuel, at the same time. So like, they want to think about what to buy for the Holidays but they’re also going to be worried about what the heat’s going to cost! How much more, everyone? 30 percent? Bob says at least 50 percent…oh so mean, Bob! Love it. So, they’re afraid to spend money but they’re more afraid there is nothing to buy!...perfect.”
Collective Media Person 2. “Oh, yeahhh. I like it. Nice, one Tom. You really are an artist when it comes to public anxiety. Hats off to you.”
Aaaaand, cut!
I could really lose myself creating dialogue. Did I mention I was an only child? Played with dolls A. Lot. Anyway.
In the spirit of Media frenzy and not knowing what will be available I am going to do an early Holiday Guide! Let’s go people!!!
But first. Santa. I’m walking to my studio a few days ago (where I paint and avoid doing laundry) and who do I see slinking along? Well, look for yourself. Santa! The good news is he’s not J walking, which proves he isn’t from Boston, no surprise there. But, Santa in shorts? Just. No. It’s like seeing a Priest or Rabi in shorts. Just, rather not see this. Though, to his credit, he has decent legs. New Balance sneakers? I’d have thought of him as a Clark’s guy. The New Balance thing makes me second guess if he is from the Hub (that is what people in Boston call Boston…so cute!). Maybe Mrs. Claus is from New Bedford or something. Looks like he’s lost a ton of weight, too. Or, the red suit makes him look fat? Maybe Mrs. Clause has him doing Noom and that would explain why he looks so cranky. Disturbing to see the big man in shorts. Just. No.
I sent out several texts to women I know asking for gift ideas and got a bunch of cool answers. Now, don’t get too excited. This isn’t Goop and I haven’t discovered a new planet. It’s a bunch of 45 to 53 1/2 year olds texting gift ideas. so, settle down. Here are several of mine:
Follain: Has only one store and it’s on Charles Street (Beacon Hill in Boston, MA), but has a strong presence on the internet and at other places (like Goop). They describe themselves as “Follain Skincare was born from one-on-one consultations with thousands of people seeking to make the switch to clean beauty. The result? High-performance, indulgent, uncompromisingly clean products that work as amazing as they feel.” Link here for more. The store smells AMAZING. We all want out home to smell like this: clean, exotic, uncluttered. They have candles and soaps that are their own formulae and much more. I really like the store. My teenagers love their skin cleanser, masks, concealer, moisturizer, lip balm (it goes on and on)…
One of the items recommended by a friend of mine is from Follain it’s called Undaria Algae Oil by Osea…Linkhere
Beacon Hill Chocolates: A good old fashioned chocolate store. It even looks old fashioned! My husband, Pel, gets me a box for nearly every holiday and I hoard it all to myself or at least until I have taken a nibble of every single piece. I love chocolate. Give me chocolate. They also have gelato and hot chocolate. The candies by the pound are fancy and little works of art. They also have bags of things like malt balls and always change it up for any holiday worth its salt. link here. The only store is on Charles Street with a major internet presence.
ER Butler: More pricey but to die for if you are into handmade jewelry, home furnishings and of course hardware. Because you can’t have hardware without jewels. jk. Their stuff is amazing and the designers have cult followings like Ted Meuhling, Gabriella Kiss, John Iversen, Ruth Gurvich. Check out their online store here and visit their gorgeous real stores on Charles Street and on Prince Street in NYC.
Ideas from the ladies I know…
Miranda Thomas Pottery: Link I have a vase from her in the “Blue Sky” color and a few little dishes. It’s my favorite color in general. There is something about her work. It’s wonderful and so is her husband’s furniture, Thomas Shackleton, link.
Vuori Clothing: Link Mens and women’s work out gear that looks super comfy and country to city chic. They say it’s “inspired by the active Coastal California lifestyle: an integration of fitness, surf, sport, and art.” So, put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Caroline’s Cakes: link Wow. these cakes scratch my British Baking Show itch! An excellent idea to send someone like me or my friends, a cake.
Maison Louis Marie: link A friend of mine who loves Dyptique candles is recommending this brand and she has great taste. They also happen to be a lot less expensive than most scented candles out there. She likes the #4 this time of year for its Winter fire smell. Great gift idea: the set of five perfume oils for $49.00.
Fun fact, nearly all these ideas above are women owned and founded businesses and that was just dumb luck on my part.
Wrapping up this 22nd edition of WSG. I know I’ll be doing more gift ideas so please let me hear yours! Better, write them in the comments below!
I saw this a few days ago…why? What moron thought this up? Cover the earth with paint?! It’s just too easy to make fun of this. The illustration. The red paint. Is this a wink to communism? Is the CEO of Sherwin Williams a commie? Thirty years ago this would not have happened. But would it not have happened because of the red paint/communist thing or because they would recognize it as a really dumb idea. The whole legal issue of covering the earth in a toxic substance. Drawing attention to the fact that the company makes really earth-Unfriendly stuff. I may need to contact the company.
Peace not Paint